Sunday, March 6, 2011

Amazing!! In just 4 days!!!

Hye geng~ 
Nampaknya beberapa hari je lagi sebelum tutup pakej ke hong kong!! kan?? Tapi jangan menggelabah, jangan cepat kecewa, jgn cepat down... masih ade masa!!

Nak cerita tentang seorang wanita ini yang fight for her ticket in just 4 days!!! not only one, but TWO tickets!!! Amazing rite??

Let me introduce u to my fren, Kak Yus! She's a officer in agriculture dept and a very beautiful mother of 3 kids. She started join us last week and after 4 days, she gets 2 free tickets to Hong Kong Disneyland!!! Congratez Kak Yus!! 

Kagum sangat dengan Kak Yus, dengan kesibukan sebagai pegawai, ibu dan isteri, tapi masih bleh buat bisnes krn bg beliau cari duit adalah tanggungjwb, bukan minat. Walaupun pendiam orangnya, tapi masih boleh buat bisnes dan bjaya.Tipsnya FOLLOW THE LEADER!!.. so proud of you kak yus!!

So, nak tau camane cara dia buat??
Simple je....

STEP 1: Sign up! for RM30 only
STEP 2 : pakai PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL (for free)
STEP 3: SHARE with her friends

after 4 DAYS,..... 2 tickets in her hand!!!

How to sign up?
but how to share with your friends?
Nak cakap ape?

I will help you!! Masih ade masa utk join kami ke HONG KONG DISNEYLAND FOR FREE!!! Come on guys!!


"time is so precious"
